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Banded Mongoose

Mungos mungo

The Banded Mongoose has a course, brownish-grey coat, a black-tipped tail, and dark bands across its back, from where it gets its name. This pattern and coloration help it blend into its surroundings and to evade predators.

Banded Mongooses are very social, living in colonies of between 5 and 40, although sometimes colonies can be as large as 70 animals. In the wild, these mongooses can be found in open savannahs, open forests and grasslands in Africa.


The Banded Mongoose does not have major threats. It is widespread in its habitat and thriving.

Banded Mongoose
Body length
30-45 cm
Tail length
15-30 cm
1.5-2.5 kg
Found in sub-Saharan Africa, except for the Congo and southwestern Africa.
Conservation status
Least Concern
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